Music - Liam has always,
always loved music. He was singing before he was speaking, and he could make an instrument out of anything he laid his dirty, sticky little hands on. When he was in school, he sang for the choir, even earning himself a solo when he was eleven. He was in the band in high school, playing the bass, and he attempted to start more than one garage band througout high school and college. They never worked out, but he was always happy to just jam. He's in a band now that is actually semi-successful, with paying gigs and everything. And whenever he can, he will spend far too much time with his guitar, bending over it until his back screams at him and he walks with a hunch, like a cartoony villain. If you ask him, he will say that music is the
only thing he's good at. His one and only talent. Oh, except for being able to eat his weight in chicken nuggets in an alarmingly short amount of time.
things he do good.}
Writing - You could lump this into 'music', but Liam has always had a certain talent when it comes to writing. Mostly song lyrics, but he's been known to weave a short story here and there. He likes fantasy, and science-fiction, and enjoys trying to blend the two together whenever the bug bites him. It's not as often as he once was, but he still enjoys it when he does it.
Video Games - Scoff all you like, but it counts, damn it. Especially older games, before everything had a tutorial level and a thousand power ups and you didn't have to pick up extra lives. Before the game developers started handholding. He doesn't dislike new games, but they're not 1984 hard anymore, and sometimes he just likes those games that make him want to punch a baby.
Ordering Take-Out - Liam doesn't cook. The one and only thing he can cook well are burgers, and man can not live on ground beef alone. And so, he's become an expert at ordering in. Shut up, it is so a skill.